On this month’s episode of The Voice of Oregon’s Workers, we talk with the Oregon AFL-CIO Political and Legislative team about the 2022 Oregon Legislature. Learn about Oregon Labor’s priorities, how the upcoming election will impact the session, and what it takes for an idea to become a law in Oregon.
The Oregon Labor Movement is ready to advocate for legislation that builds a fair and just economy for all workers in Oregon during the 2022 legislative session. We know that as the pandemic continues to disrupt our lives, it’s more important than ever to ensure workers have modern protections and are supported as much as possible - especially workers from marginalized communities and the essential workers who have kept Oregon running. Our legislative priorities for the 2022 legislative session are a road map to a better Oregon for working people, and we’re excited to get to work to make it happen.
To learn more about Oregon Labor’s 2022 priorities, please visit https://oraflcio.org/2022legislativepriorities
To receive action alerts about the legislature, please visit https://oraflcio.org/sign-up