Oregon Labor showed up in full force for the 2024 primary election this May 21st to help secure resounding victories for endorsed candidates across the state. Issues that matter most to working people and their families–like healthcare, housing, education, the environment, and a fair and just economy–were all on the line. We’re proud to say that in this election, nearly half of our endorsed candidates are current or former union members or staff and because of our work to mobilize union members, nearly all of our endorsed candidates secured decisive victories in this election. Union volunteers and staff joined together throughout April and May to make phone calls, knock on doors, and talk to voters on worksites about labor endorsed candidates. We need pro-worker leaders in every level of government, and we’re incredibly proud of the work we’ve done to make this happen.
We are thrilled that Dan Rayfield won the primary and will be our Democratic nominee for Attorney General in the fall. In his past roles as State Representative and Speaker of the House, Dan Rayfield consistently showed up for working people, always making sure that their voices informed his priorities. He has a solid plan to expand this work as Attorney General, and Oregon Labor is ready to help him get there in November.
We are also very excited to have former AFSCME member Willy Chotzen move on to be the next State Representative for House District 46 in SE Portland. As a public defender, we know that he has the expertise necessary to tackle the challenges that far too many Oregonians are experiencing. In Eugene, union member and activist Lisa Fragala handily won her primary election to become the next Representative for House District 8. A long-time educator, we are so excited to have Lisa’s expertise as a worker-advocate in Salem.
The Central Oregon Labor Chapter was proud to endorse Phil Chang and we are very pleased to see him reelected as a Deschutes County Commissioner in an outright win in this non-partisan race. During his first term, Phil delivered for workers through expanded healthcare coverage for county employees, increased investment in housing development and resources to respond to homelessness, and stood with St. Charles nurses during their contract negotiations. Having Phil Chang remain in this role for another term is a huge win for working people.
* Denotes a current or former union member or staffer
Federal Races
✅Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici for CD 1
✅Congresswoman Val Hoyle for CD 4*
✅Congresswoman Andrea Salinas for CD 6*
✅Dan Rayfield for Attorney General
State Senate
✅State Senator Kate Lieber for SD 14*
✅State Senator Wlnsvey Campos for SD 18*
✅State Senator Kathleen Taylor for SD 21
✅Khanh Pham for SD 23*
✅State Senator Chris Gorsek for SD 25*
✅Anthony Broadman for SD 27
State House
✅State Representative Pam Marsh for HD 5
✅Lisa Fragala for HD 8*
✅State Representative David Gomberg HD 10
✅State Representative Nancy Nathanson for HD 13
✅State Representative Tom Andersen for HD 19
✅State Representative Paul Evans for HD 20*
✅Lesly Munoz for HD 22*
✅State Representative Ben Bowman for HD 25
✅State Representative Courtney Neron for HD 26*
✅State Representative Ken Helm for HD 27
✅State Representative Dacia Grayber for HD 28*
✅State Representative Susan McLain for HD 29*
✅State Representative Nathan Sosa for HD 30
✅State Representative Lisa Reynolds HD 34
✅State Representative Farrah Chaichi for HD 35
✅State Representative Hai Pham for HD 36
✅April Dobson for HD 39
✅State Representative Tawna Sanchez for HD 43
✅State Representative Travis Nelson for HD 44*
✅State Representative Thuy Tran for HD 45
✅Willy Chotzen for HD 46*
✅State Representative Hoa Nguyen for HD 48*
✅State Representative Zach Hudson for HD49*
✅State Representative Ricki Ruiz for HD 50*
✅State Representative Emerson Levy for HD 53
✅State Representative Jason Kropf for HD 54*
✅State Representative Greg Smith for HD 57
✅Phil Chang for Deschutes County Commissioner*
✅Laurie Trieger for Lane County Commissioner District 3*
❌Zach Mulholland for County Commissioner District 4*
✅Matt Keating for Eugene City Council Ward 2*
✅Randy Groves for Eugene City Council Ward 8*
✅Kori Rodley for Springfield City Council Ward 3
✅Tim Morris for EWEB Commissioner
❌ Nathan Soltz for Salem City Council Ward 3*
✅Irvin Brown for Salem city Council Ward 5
✅Gabe Shepard for Benton County Commissioner
✅Martha Schrader for Clackamas County Commissioner
✅Duncan Hwang for Metro Councilor District 6
✅Gerritt Rosenthal for Metro Councilor District 3
✅Mary Nolan for Metro Councilor District 5
✅KC Le Dell for Washington County Circuit Court Judge
✅Nafisa Fai for Washington County Commissioner District 1
✅Jason Snider for Washington County Commissioner District 3
R Vadim Mozyrsky for Multnomah County Commissioner District 1* (Moving on to a runoff in the General Election)
R Vince Jones-Dixon for Multnomah County Commissioner District 4 (Moving on to a runoff in the General Election)
✅YES on City of Portland Measure 26-245
✅YES on Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue District Measure 34-222
✅YES on Metro Measure 26-244