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Oregon AFL-CIO Passes PERS Accountability Resolution

Oregon AFL-CIO

In response to the anti-worker Public Employee Retirement System attack in SB 1049 and the failure to pass other key pro-worker priorities, the 56th Convention of the Oregon AFL-CIO voted today to support workers. The convention passed a resolution to restrict contributions and support for those lawmakers who turned their back on firefighters, nurses, educators, and all workers during the 2019 Legislative Session. Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain reacted to the resolution’s passage:

The Oregon Labor Movement is only beholden to workers, not a political party. It’s clear to me that the Democratic supermajorities and Governor thought that workers would continue to support those who attacked their retirement and then failed to pass other key pro-worker priorities. Workers aren’t stupid, they know when a boss is taking their paycheck and they know which lawmakers stand with them. I’m proud of this step the Oregon AFL-CIO convention took today. It’s going to take a stronger commitment for those elected leaders to gain the Oregon Labor Movement’s trust back.

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