We are proud to announce the launch of a new feature on the Oregon AFL-CIO’s website – a dedicated page of resources and news to help our Movement stand together for immigrants and refugees!
Oregon AFL-CIO President Graham Trainor explained why this work is so important:
“The Oregon AFL-CIO has a long and proud history of supporting immigrant workers, refugees, and their advocates. From partnering with Causa years ago to host citizenship clinics, to working with PCUN to improve working conditions for migrant farmworkers in the 2020 Oregon Legislature, our work within the immigrant rights community is central to our role as a strong voice for all Oregon workers. We hope that by developing and promoting resources to help immigrant workers, refugees, advocates, and our unions, we can provide the right tools to the people who need them most.”
This exciting new section stems from a resolution passed at the 2019 Oregon AFL-CIO Convention, which you can read by clicking here. Resources available include the National AFL-CIO’s Defend and Resist toolkit, sample collective bargaining contract language, workplace posters, and more. If you have resources you would like to see added, please contact our office.