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Oregon’s Unions Celebrate Labor Day at Events Across Oregon

Portland, OR – On Monday, September 4, Oregon’s unions will host events in Portland, Salem, Eugene/Springfield, Bend, and Ashland to celebrate Labor Day. To see a list of events with specific details please visit the Oregon AFL-CIO’s website.

Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain has released the following statement about what Labor Day means for Oregon’s union movement:

“On Labor Day, we recognize the efforts of Oregonians who work every day to put food on the table, to put themselves through school, and to pay for kids’ music lessons and baseball leagues. Our hard work allows our economy to thrive and our work is what makes Oregon great.

“In growing numbers, working people across the state and throughout our country are standing together to win the freedom to negotiate a fair return on our work so we can provide for our families.

“At the same time, our freedom to stand together in union is in jeopardy. For decades, corporate-backed politicians have taken aim at our rights in an attempt to rig the rules of the economy in their favor. They have targeted the freedoms unions have won for all working people, include the right to overtime pay, the ability to take a sick kid to the doctor, and the right to go to work in the safest conditions possible.

“This Labor Day, the unions of the Oregon AFL-CIO are more committed than ever to fight any attempt to roll back the rights of working people.”

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