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Oregon AFL-CIO Responds to Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh

Oregon AFL-CIO Responds to Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh

Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain responds to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh: Today, the Senate willfully shirked its most fundamental responsibility. Instead of giving a voice to working people, Mitch McConnell and his colleagues have handed over the Supreme Court to corporate elites.

Brett Kavanaugh's judicial record reveals a right-wing extremist agenda dedicated to advancing the demands of the wealthy at the expense of working people. His hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee further confirmed that fealty to corporate interest and fully demonstrated that he lacks anything close to the temperament or character that this position demands.

However, Oregon’s unions won't allow any politician or judge to dictate our reality. All those who disregard the principles of justice and fairness can expect to hear from us on Election Day.

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